Monday, July 28, 2008

Things To Do in the 'Hood: August!

Sellwood Library Storytimes on hiatus after Aug. 1st

Indoor Playground at Sellwood Community Center, 10:30-12, ages 1-5, $1/child. Infants and adults free.

Book Babies at Ledding Library (downtown Milwaukie), 0-18 months
1 pm through Aug. 18

Open Play Swim at Sellwood Pool, 1:00-4:10 and 7:20-8:50

Chipper's Preschool Days at Oaks Park; $6/child, infants and adults free,
9:30-11:30. Includes storytime and snack.

Ladybug Theatre (ages 2.5 and up), SMILE Station on SE 13th
Call in advance for reservations, 503-232-2346, $4/person (infants free)
Doors open at 10:15 for 10:30 performances
"Baby Bear and the Beanstalk," Aug. 6-7
"The Silly Goats Gruff and the Troll is Enough" Aug. 13-14

Preschool Storytime at Ledding Library (downtown Milwaukie), ages 3-5
1 pm and 6:30 pm through Aug. 19

Open Play Swim at Sellwood Pool, 1:00-4:10
Family Play Swim at Sellwood Pool, 7:20-8:50 pm

Chipper's Preschool Days at Oaks Park; $6/child, infants and adults free, 9:30-11:30. Includes storytime and snack.

Indoor Playground at Sellwood Community Center, 10:30-12, ages 1-5, $1/child. Infants and adults free.

Ladybug Theatre (ages 2.5 and up), SMILE Station on SE 13th
Call in advance for reservations, 503-232-2346, $4/person (infants free)
Doors open at 10:15 for 10:30 performances
"Baby Bear and the Beanstalk," Aug. 6-7
"The Silly Goats Gruff and the Troll is Enough" Aug. 13-14

Toddler Storytime at Ledding Library (downtown Milwaukie), ages 1-3, 6:30 pm through Aug. 20

Open Play Swim at Sellwood Pool, 1:00-4:10 (free 2:40-4:10) and 7:20-8:50 pm

Moreland Farmer's Market, 3:30-7:30

Sellwood Storytimes on hiatus after Aug. 1st

Woodstock Library Storytimes on hiatus after Aug. 8th

Storytime at Staccato Gelato, 10:30 am, all ages, free

Open Play Swim at Sellwood Pool, 1:00-4:10
Family Play Swim at Sellwood Pool, 7:20-8:50 pm

Ardenwald/Johnson Creek Neighborhood Concerts in the Park
Ardenwald Park, all concerts at 7 pm
schedule available at

Sellwood Storytimes on hiatus after Aug. 1st

Woodstock Library Storytimes on hiatus after Aug. 8th

Indoor Playground at Sellwood Community Center, 10:30-12, ages 1-5, $1/child. Infants and adults free. Closed July 4th.

Open Play Swim at Sellwood Pool, 1:00-4:10 and 7:20-8:50 pm

Market Day at Sellwood New Seasons, 11-3 (fresh local produce featuring what is at the peak of the season)

Woodstock Library Storytimes on hiatus after Aug. 8th1

Open Play Swim at Sellwood Pool, 1:00-5:00

Family Swim at Sellwood Pool, 11:30-12:50
Open Play Swim at Sellwood Pool, 1:00-5:00

Milwaukie Sunday Farmer's Market, 9:30-2 pm
Southeast McLoughlin and Harrison St. (Milwaukie)

Special Events:

August 2: Storytime at Looking Glass Books, 10 am, free

August 3: Sundae in the Park at Sellwood Park, 12-11 pm, free
25 cent ice cream, old-fashioned live entertainment, face-painting, jumping castle, zoo ZAP team, hot dogs, booths
Schedule available at

August 5: National Night Out
Night of neighborhood block parties and events--some playgroups have events scheduled, so check with your coordinator.
More info. at

August 9: Passport to Sellwood-Westmoreland, 10 am-5 pm
Giant balloons, live music, sales and special events in local businesses
Info available at

August 16: Woodstock Family Picnic, 11 am-4pm
Woodstock Park (47th and Steele)
Live music, games, artists, food vendors.

August 20: Music for Tots, Sellwood Library, 12-12:45 pm
Performers on guitar, harmonica and oboe; toddlers and parents hold the beat with shakers and other rhythm instruments
Tickets for seating available 30 min. before the program (arrive early to get them!)

August 20: Big Screen on the Green, Sellwood Park
Field of Dreams plays at dusk, 7th and Miller

August 22: "Dive in Movie" at Sellwood Pool
"The Bee Movie" plays at dusk, regular pool admission prices

August 23: Spielwerk's 2nd Birthday Party, 11 am-3 pm
Raffle, sale, giant bubbles, face painting, hula hoop lessons and the Mayor of Hoopville (11 am-1 pm). Free.

August 27: Captain Bogg and Salty play Sellwood Park!
free, 2 pm

August 29: Ladybug Nature Walk at Sellwood Riverfront Park, $2/preschooler, adults and infants free, 10 am. Meet at the restrooms and bring a snack! More info. at 503-823-3601.

Aug. 30, 31 and Sept. 1: Shakespeare in the Park at Reed College, in front of Eliot Hall, 3 pm, free
The Two Gentleman of Verona

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